Eroplant Laboratory for Industry and Environmental Solutions
தமிழ் பதிப்பு: நாளிதழ் வகைகள்
- அரவிந்த் செல்வராஜ், "மனித குலத்தை அழிக்கும் கொசுக்களை ஒழிப்போம்" - உலக கொசுக்கள் தினம், தினமலர் தேசிய தமிழ் நாளிதழ், ஈரோடு மாவட்டம், நாள் ஆகஸ்ட் 20, ஆண்டு 2004.
- அரவிந்த் செல்வராஜ், "கொசுக்களினால் பரவும் யானைக்கால் நோய் - ஒரு விழிப்புணர்வு பார்வை" - உலக யானைக்கால் வியாதி தினம் தினமலர் தேசிய தமிழ் நாளிதழ், ஈரோடு மாவட்டம், நாள் ஜூன் 05, ஆண்டு 2005.
International level: Research Journal Publications
[Impact Factors -8.68 |‘h’ & ‘i’ index - 3 | Citations- 31]
- Selvakumar, S. Aravindh, C. P. Kaushik, V. G. Katarani, Vidya. S. Thorat, Prema Gireesan, V. Jayavignesh, K. Swaminathan and Kanwar Raj, Screening of silver nanoparticles containing carbonized yeast cells for adsorption of few long-lived active radionuclides. Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2011, 288:629-633. DOI:10.1007/s10967-011-0997-y.
- Selvakumar, S. Aravindh, Anuradha Ashok and Yekkuni. L. Balachandran. 2013. A facile synthesis of silver nanoparticle with SERS and antimicrobial activity using Bacillus subtilis exopolysaccharides. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience. 2013 (DOI:10.1080/17458080.2013.778425).
- Selvakumar, S.Aravindh, Nazar Mohamed Mohaideen, C. Sabarinath, M. Ananthasubramanian, Studies on the effect of biotin and galactose functionalized Gelatin nanofibers on hep2 cell attachment and Cytotoxicity. Journal of Membrane Biology.2013 (Ms. No. JMBI-D-13-00073R1).
- Selvakumar, S. Aravindh, J. Ravichandran, U. KamachiMudali, C. Anandbabu, Baldev Raj. Impregnation of S-layer protein isolated from extremophilic Bacillus licheniformis NARW 02 onto titanium phosphate ceramic enhances uranium removal from aqueous solution. Current Science, Vol. 106, No. 12, 25 June 2014.
- Aravindh, R.Selvakumar, J. Ravichandran, U. KamachiMudali, C. Anandbabu, Baldev Raj. Extremophilic Bacillus cereus MVK04 isolated from thorium ore sample possesses Self-Assembled Surface Layer Protein on Cell Wall to resist extreme environments. Geomicrobiology Journal. UGMB-2014-0056.R1. July 2014.
- Subramanian, M. Chandra, J. Manikandan, S. Aravindh. Antioxidant and anti-biofilm properties of Mango twigs. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature. Print ISSN: 2231-1866 Online ISSN: 2231-1874.December 2016.
- Dinesh, Veeran; Aravind, Selvaraj; Suriyaraj, Selvaraj; Rajendran, Selvakumar; Biji, Pullithadathil. Ultrathin Hexagonal MgO Nanoflakes Coated Medical Textiles and Their Enhanced Antibacterial Activity, Materials Research Express: la-2015-00987d, 17-Mar-2016.
- Aravindh Selvaraj, PrabuPeriasamy, Kalirajan Mohan, Indumathy Kumaravel, Rajendran, Efficacy of bacterial biopolymeric (EPS) liganded silver mesocage complexes for hexavalent chromium adsorption, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, ISSN:1018-4619,Volume 25, No. 12a/2016, Pages 6030-6037, December 2016.
Book Chapter Publication
- Aravindh Selvaraj: Antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-biofilm properties of mango twigs. January 2014. In book: Chapter 9, A treatise on modern trends in chemical sciences, Publisher: VHNSN Publisher, pp.143-149.
Publications: Nucleotide partial sequence submission to GenBank record
- Aravindh,S., A,S., EKM Khaleel, T.M., Rajendran,V. and Prabu,P. Isolation and molecular investigation on indigenous versatile bacteria with respect to toxic heavy metal chromium (VI) sequestration. Providencia rettgeri strain STAP-KSR-S5 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Locus/Accession No.: KM258878.1 GI:701635477, 08-NOV-2014. Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain STAP-KSR-S6 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Locus/Accession No.: KM258879.1 GI:701635478(2), 08-NOV-2014.
- Aravindh,S., Dhanabal,M., EKM Khaleel, T.M., Rajendran,V. and Prabu,P. Isolation and molecular level investigation on chromium (VI) resistant indigenous bacterial isolates from tannery solid sludge wastes. Bacillus sonorensis strain STAP-KSR-D8 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Locus/Accession No.: KM267154.1 GI:701635495, 08-NOV-2014. Bacillus licheniformis strain STAP-KSR-D12 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Locus/Accession No.: KM267155.1 GI:701635496(2), 08-NOV-2014.
- Sankaranarayanan,A., Karthik,S. and Aravindh,S. Aeromonas hydrophila strain ASN-R(iii)1 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Locus/Accession No.: KM272198.1 GI:700676557(1).
- Sumathi,C.S., Nandhini,T. and Aravindh,S. Optimization and characterization of highly efficient chitinase-producing microorganisms for biocontrol against plant pathogens. Cellulomonas iranensis strain CSCHITIN01 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Locus/Accession No.: KM267163.1 GI:701636143(1), 08-NOV-2014.
- Selvakumar,R., Aravindh,S., Ravichandran,J., Kamachi Mudali,U., Anandbabu,C., Baldevraj, Purushothaman,Y.M. and Swaminathan,K., Extremophilic Bacillus MVK04 isolate from thorium mine ore sample. Bacillus cereus strain MVK04 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Locus/Accession No.: KJ399985.1 GI:612487774(1), 22-April-2014.
- Selvakumar,R., Aravindh,S., Kamachi Mudali,U., Anandbabu,C., Ravichandran,J., Baldev,R. and Radhakrishnan,P. A novel extremophilic bacterial isolate from uranium mine ore, 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence, Locus/Accession No: JX469598 - JX469599 (2), August 2012.
- Jayachandran, S., Balamurugan, P., Saravanan, P., Krishnaveni, M., MoushumiPriya, S Krishnan, B., Aravindh, S., Genetic diversity of marine bacteria isolated from Bay of Bengal, 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence, Locus/Accession No: FJ981825 to FJ981915 (91); May 2009.
- Selvakumar,R., Aravindh,S., Kamachi Mudali,U., Anandbabu,C., Ravichandran,J., Baldev,R. and Radhakrishnan,P, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore, India, “A novel extremophilic bacterial isolate from uranium mine ore”, 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence, Locus/Accession No: JX469598 - JX469599 (2), August 2012.
- Jayachandran, S., Balamurugan, P., Saravanan, P., Krishnaveni, M., Moushumi Priya, A., Sundara Krishnan, B., Aravindh, S. and Lalitha, P., Department of Biotechnology, Pondicherry University, India, “Genetic diversity of marine bacteria isolated from Bay of Bengal”, 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence, Locus/Accession No: FJ981825 to FJ981915 (91); May 2009.
Manuscript under preparation
- Aravindh Selvaraj, Y Venkata Nancharaiah, V.P. Venugopalan, Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activity of Starch-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles to Gram-negative Bacteria, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Science Direct - Elsevier Publications.
- R. Selvakumar, S. Aravindh, Anuradha A, Y. L. Balachandran, Microbial Exopolysacharide encapsulated Silver nanoparticles: SERS activity, cell attachment and antibacterial activity, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Science Direct-Elsevier Publications.
- R. Selvakumar, Nazar Mohamed Mohaideen, S. Aravindh, C. Sabarinath, M. Ananthasubramanian, Studies on the effect of biotin and galactose functionalized Gelatin nanofibers on hep2 cell attachment and cytotoxicity, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, Springer Publications.
- R. Selvakumar, S. Aravindh, J. Ravichandran, U. Kamachi Mudali, C. Anandbabu, P. Radhakrishnan, Baldev Raj, Bacterial S-layer embedded Bioceramic enhances removal of radionuclides from simulated low level radioactive wastewater, Current Science.
- R. Selvakumar, Aravindh Selvaraj, J. Ravichandran, U. Kamachi Mudali, C. Anandbabu, P. Radhakrishnan, Baldev Raj, Separation and Recrystallization of S-layer protein extracted from radioactive resistant bacteria isolated from thorium ores of Manavalakurichi (IREL), Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Springer Publications.
Memberships in Professional Links
- Research Gate :
- Academic edu :
- Nanopaprika :
- Linked In :
- liveDNA :
- ASM :
- Life Member - The Association of Microbiologists of India (Under Processing).
International level: Conferences
- Selvakumar, S. Aravindh, J. Ravichandran, U. KamachiMudali, and C. Anandbabu, P. Radhakrishnan, Baldev Raj, Impregnation of Bacillus licheniformis S-layer onto titanium phosphate enhances uranium and strontium removal from simulated waste water, at Indo-US workshop on water quality and sustainability, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai – 36 during January7 – 11, 2013.
- Selvakumar, S. Aravindh , J. Ravichandran, U. KamachiMudali, and C. Anandbabu, P. Radhakrishnan, Baldev Raj, Bacterial S-layer embedded bioceramic enhances removal of radionuclides from aqueous solution, at 1stInternational Conference on Emerging Technologies for Clean Water ‘12, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai – 36 during September 14 – 15, 2012.
- R. Selvakumar, NazarMMohaideen, Aravindh S, C. Sabarinath, M. Ananthasubramanian, Studies on the effect of biotin and galactose functionalized Gelatin nanofibers on hep2 cell attachment & cytotoxicity, at 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology at Biomedical Interface, Amrita Center for Nanoscience & Molecular Medicine, during February 21 – 23, 2012.
- Selvakumar, AravindhSelvaraj, J. Ravichandran, U. KamachiMudali, and C. Anandbabu, Studies on the role of microbial surface protein nanostructures on radioactive, pH and uranium resistance in microbial isolates from mines, at the 5th International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT-2012), Hyderabad, India during January 20-23, 2012.
- Aravindh Selvaraj, Sustainable Environment, Health, and Development: Conquer of Heavy Metal Pollution & Longterm Health impacts by complete green bacterial exopolymeric Nanocages, International Conference on Global Warming and Business 2012 (ICGWB 12), 20 - 24 January 2012, London, UK. (Paper Accepted for Online).
- AravindhSelvaraj, Ravichandran. J, KamachiMudali. U, Anand Babu. C, Selvakumar. R, Isolation and Recrystallization of Bacterial Surface layer protein from uranium resistant bacteria and its reassembly into nanostructures in 3rdInternational Conference NANOCON 2011, held on September 21 – 23 2011 at Brno, Czech Republic, EU, (BIONANO-C4, ISBN 978-80-87294-23-9)
- Aravindh Selvaraj, Y V Nancharaiah, V P Venugopalan, Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activities of Silver and Biopolymer- Embedded Nano-Silver in International Conference on Advancement of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICOANN-2010), held on 1 to 3 March 2010 at Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India.
National level: Exhibition / Conferences / Seminars / Work shops
- Actively participated in the National level One day Brainstorming workshop for Bharathiar University Faculty Members by DRDO Scientist on 20th November 2017 at DRDO-BU Centre for Life Sciences, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
- Subramanian, M. Chandra, J. Manikandan, Aravindh. S.*, entitled Antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-biofilm properties of mango twigs in national level conference on ‘A treatise on modern trends in chemical sciences’ sponsored by UGC-SERO at VHNSN College on 8th September 2014.
- S., Prabu. P., Rajendran. R., Facilitation and Conservation for Toxic heavy metal bioaugmentation by eco-benign granular biofilm exopolymeric nanocages of mixed microbial consortia from tannery sludge in 16th National Conference on Surfactants, Emulsions and Biocolloids (NATCOSEB-XVI), 28-30 November 2013, Central Leather Research Institute-CSIR.
- S., Aravindh. S., Role of Inorganic Compounds in Medicine, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, Horizon’2013 on 18th October 2013.
- Aravindh, P. Prabu, Nanomaterial tethered bacterial exopolymeric nanocages for removal of toxic heavy metals from waste effluents in National conference on New Opportunities and Challenges in Microbial Research held on September 5th& 6th, 2013 at Bharathidasan University.
- Kavitha, A. Priya, C. S. Sumathi, A. Sankaranarayanan, S. Aravindh*, Nano-structured bacterial surface layer proteins - an emerging biomolecules in smart Nanobiotechnology in National conference on New Opportunities and Challenges in Microbial Research held on September 5th& 6th, 2013 at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli (*Corresponding Author).
- Aravindh S, Naresh K Sharma, Venugopalan V P., VenkataNancharaiah Y., Prabu P., Environmental impact assessment of Transmental nanomaterials on mixed bacterial consortia of activated sludge process in a National level symposium on Glimpse of Innovations in Biotechnology, BioGalaxia 2013, held on 3rd October 2013 at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
- Lalithambal K, Kanagavalli S, Karthik S, Annamma Abraham, Arjunan S, Aravindh S*, Applications of Nanoscale biomaterials in Environmental Pollution and its Impact Assessment in a National level symposium on Glimpse of Innovations in Biotechnology, BioGalaxia 2013, held on 3rd October 2013 at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore (*Corresponding Author).
- Kavitha, A. Priya, C. S. Sumathi, A. Sankaranarayanan, S. Aravindh*, Applications of Nano-structured bacterial surface layer proteins promising biomolecules in smart Nanobiotechnology in a National level symposium on Glimpse of Innovations in Biotechnology, BioGalaxia 2013, held on 3rd October 2013 at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore (*Corresponding Author).
- Participated in the National level workshop conducted by Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education on Advanced Materials for Electronics, Photonics and Sensors, in Nanotech Research Facilities, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, PSG College of Tech. during 4th to 8thAugust 2012.
- Selvakumar, AravindhSelvaraj, J. Ravichandran, U. KamachiMudali, and C. Anandbabu, Development of Bacterial Surface layer based ceramic membranes (Biocer) for lanthanide and simulated actinide separation, stall (No. 187) exhibited in TECHEX 2011, Technology & Engineering Exhibition - Products of PSG Products, held on 25 to 27 November 2011 organized by PSG Alumni Association and PSG Institutions at CODISSIA Trade Fair Complex, Coimbatore.
- Participated in the One day National Seminar on Impact of Phytoconstituents in Nanodrug Development held on 24th October 2011 organized by Biotechnology Centre, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore sponsored by DRDO.
- Aravindh S., actively participated and presented a lecture in Emerging Trends in Biotechnology on February 26, 2010 held in the Department of Biotechnology, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry.
- Aravindh Selvaraj, Y V Nancharaiah, V P Venugopalan, Synthesis characterization and antimicrobial activity of biopolymer stabilized silver nanoparticles in natural biofilm in National Level Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology (NCNN- 2010), held on 18 to 20 January 2010 at Visweshwaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India.
- Aravindh Selvaraj, Naresh Kumar Sharma, Y V Nancharaiah, V P Venugopalan, Do silver nanoparticles affect wastewater microorganisms? in a National level meet on “BiotechCellence2008”, held on 22 to 24 February 2008 organized by Association of Biotechnologists, Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai, India.
- Participated in the National Workshop on Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics during 14 to 16 March 2007 organized by Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility, Alagappa University, India. Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology.
- Aravindh Selvaraj, D Abirami, J Amuthamani, Effect of carbon substrate on Amylase production by the solid substrate fermentation (SSF) method in National Level 4th Biological Congress on “Biotechnology – A Boon to Humanity” held on January 28 - 29, 2005 at Muthayammal College of Arts & Science, Periyar University, India.
- Aravindh Selvaraj, D Abirami, S Vijayanand, Isolation & Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria from the gut of common household cockroach in National Level 2nd Biological Congress on “Perspective and Future Trends in Biological Sciences” held on 7 & 8 January 2005 at Selvam arts & science college, Periyar University, India.
- Aravindh Selvaraj, S Murugan, Microbial Contamination study of various water sources in Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India in National Level Seminar “Advancement in Biosciences” on 3 &4 October 2003, held at SNMV College, Coimbatore, India.
State level: Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
- Venkatesh D., Aravindh S., Investigation on bacterial biodiversity in tropical rain water realm in a State Level Intercollegiate Student’s Seminar sponsored under UGC autonomy grant on Biodiversity: Conservation & Management, 18th September 2014 at Thiagarajar College, Madurai.
- Participated in Erode district Confederation of Indian Industry (Erode Zone - CII) organized “Session on Energy Trends – Prospects of Alternative Energy” on 17th June 2014.
- Karthikeyan S, Mani K, Sumathi C S, Sankaranarayanan A, Aravindh S*, Smart way to heal extreme Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala Azar) by Advancements of Nanobiotechnology approach in a State Level Intercollegiate Students seminar (UGC) on Zoonotic and Communicable diseases held on 8th October 2013 at Thiagarajar College, Madurai.(*Corresponding Author).
- Venkatesh, M., Sumathi C S, Aravindh S, Sankaranarayanan A., Strategies of Communicable disease control in a State Level Intercollegiate Students seminar (UGC) on Zoonotic and Communicable diseases held on 8th October 2013 at Thiagarajar College, Madurai.
- Nominated for Best Scientist competition and Best Paper Presentation competition held during INVIVO 2005, State Level Inter-Collegiate Science Festival held on 19th January 2005 by the Department of Microbiology, Sree Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore – 105.
- State Level Symposium on Recent trends in Medical Laboratory Technology held on 17 February 2004 at Vellalar College, India.
- State Level Conference on Recent Trends in Bio Sciences held on 5 October 2004 in Sree Amman Arts & Science College, India.
- Aravindh Selvaraj, Reishi – The red mushroom and its medicinal efficacy in a State Level Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Biosciences” held on 07 October 2004 at Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science, Bharathiar University, India.

Since 01.05.2010
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..biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy...
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