Eroplant Laboratory for Industry and Environmental Solutions

இனியொரு விதி செய்வோம் !
I have over a decade research/academia/industry experiences in Life-Science field. I have pursued Ph.D., and my research is based on Nano Bioscience, Environmental Microbiology, Biodegradation and Bioremediation. During my course of research, I have gathered experiences in various research organizations / institutions like IGCAR, BARCF, PSG-IAS and research collaborated with Universities like Pondicherry Central University, Anna University, TANUVAS University.
At present, I have established a Biotech company, ELIES BIOTECH covering the scope of Food & Agricultural Biotechnology Products and Eco-Benign Solutions. I have started this our new venture along with my wife Mrs. Dr. Indumathy Aravindh Ph.D.
Formerly, I worked as Assistant Manager - Quality Assurance in an NABL ISO 17025:2005 accredited Microbiology laboratory of Food processing industry. The main role was to assure the safety of the food products based on the microbiological parameters and to comply with the technical requirements of ISO 17025:2005, ISO 22000:2005 FSMS and EU Regulations.
Previously, I served in the Academics for a couple of years as an Assistant Professor PG at Post Graduate and Research Department of Microbiology, KSR Educational Institutions. Over the tenure, I use to handle PG courses covering various disciplines of Microbiology to educate the young dynamic microbiologists.
Competencies: Life-Science, Microbiology, Nano scale systems of Bacteria, Protein crystallization, Spectrometer, Microscope (viz. AFM, SEM & TEM).
I can work / render support in any area of BIO-SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Besides, I have hands on experience in molecular characterization of proteins and nucleic acids & its high through put instrumental analysis.
I also have industrial experience with sound knowledge in ISO 22000:2005, ISO 17025:2005, HACCP, Risk Analysis, Lean Manufacturing Tools like 5S, Quality Circle, KAIZEN, TQM, Quality Certifications and Regulatory compliance, leaded Quality Assurance - Microbiology Laboratory.
I am an industrious and sincere person with an enthusiastic, thirst for working in Bioscience. My positive outlook and analyzing capability helps me to infer and tackle complicated situations. I believe firmly that my creativity and hard work will be much valuable elsewhere.
Listening to other novel and clear ideas and succinctly putting forth my thoughts are my traits for better working in a competitive atmosphere. I am a team man and can work successfully with the team members.
Hereby I declare that the information furnished above is all true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(For Business and other opportunities are more Welcome)
Thanking you,
Contact me! 

Aravindh Selvaraj Ph.D.,
(S/o.,) Selvaraj Palanisamy,
Founder Director - Bio-Science & Technical,
Food & Agricultural Biotechnology Products,
Eco-benign solutions,
Reg. Office Address:
No., 13-B, Tharakadu,
Subramaniyam Nagar,
Thindal Post,
Erode – 638 012. Tamil Nadu. India
Mobile No. +91 994 2921 613
With Lots of Thanks & Best Regards...
"Learning is Earning, Never Stop it"
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Since 01.05.2010
Stop not till achieve aim
..biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy...
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